Tunde Obileye
Chair, IWFM Nigeria Region
Tunde Obileye, a UK trained lawyer after previously studying law at the Bendel State University (Now Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria), is a certified member and current chairman of the Institute of Workplace & Facility Management (IWFM) Nigeria. He is also a lead auditor in Quality Management Systems. He practiced law for many years in the UK before relocating to Nigeria.
He is currently the MD/CEO of Great Heights Property & Facilities Management Ltd based in Lagos and its subsidiary companies in Kigali, Rwanda and Kampala, Uganda. He’s also a visiting consultant at Van Der Berg Facilities Management company in Harare, Zimbabwe and a founding partner at TWT Consulting Group. He has other FM interests in South Sudan, Kenya and South Africa.
He is a relentless advocate and promoter of the ideals of facility management in Nigeria and the wider community of Africa with focus on governance, policy making, compliance, change management and strategy. He is a columnist with BusinessDay, a leading business newspaper in Nigeria and has previously written articles for FM World in the UK, The New Times in Rwanda and Juba Monitor in South Sudan.
He is a member of National Mirror Committee ISOTC/267 including the sub-committee on Media & Publicity. He also served as a member of the National Committee on Job Creation set up by the administration of President Goodluck Jonanthan to give perspective on creating jobs in the FM industry.
He has attended many industry events in different parts of the world including Facilities Show in the UK and FM Leaders’ Summit in Singapore.